April 2022 Athlete of the Month
April 2022 Athlete of the Month
Lori Xu
Coach’s Thoughts: Lori comes to the gym every day ready to put in work. Most days she arrives early and can be seen practicing her kipping for pull-ups or toes to bar before class begins. Lori has shown patience with her lifting and is a role model when it comes to mastering technique rather than worrying about the weight on the bar. She always has a cheery attitude about workouts, even if they have movements that challenge her abilities. Lori is not afraid to ask questions or seek advice from coaches to help her towards her goals. We’re so glad you chose Core City to start your CrossFit journey and it has been so fun watching you grow as an athlete!
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I entered CCF and started my very first WOD on April 19th, 2021. So one year in CrossFit!
Favorite Movement?
All the barbell movements are enjoyable, if I have to pick one, then that must be the power/squat clean.
What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start CrossFit?
It took me 10 years to seek my favorite fitness regimen until I started CrossFit. CrossFit so perfectly meets all the needs that allow me to work on my favorite weightlifting movements while keeping up the good HRV with various aerobic exercises. I even pick up some calisthenic movements that I'd never thought of. If you have heard about CrossFit and hesitate when to start -- today is the day! Try it, and you will realize how fun and pleasing a workout can be. Don't make it to be your "why didn't I start doing it sooner" regret.
Favorite thing about CCF?
I would say -- everything! The logo, the site, the always-full refrigerator & counter, the always-clean equipment, and most importantly, the people! Does it sound weird if I say CCF makes part of my life? As a person who lives abroad alone, what CCF gives me is way more than I expected. To me, it is not only a place to work out, but also a place that gives me friendship and a homely feeling, a place where I recharge my batteries.
What do you do when you’re not at CCF (job, hobbies, other fitness, etc)?
I am an assistant professor at Oakland University. When I am not at CCF, I teach class, do research, and write proposals. I enjoy the mix of fulfilling & frustrating moments all the time.
What is your next big fitness goal?
200# deadlift and squat. This goal was set up one year ago, and now my body feels almost ready for this weight. While I'm working towards this goal, the Chest to Bar and Muscle Up is something on this year's TODO list as well.