November 2023 Athlete of the Month
November 2023 Athlete of the Month
Stephen Brown
Coach’s Thoughts: Steven is a coach’s dream athlete. He is extremely coachable, has a great attitude every day and truly wants to get better. I am always amazed at his consistency at noon class, even after working crazy hours and taking care of two young kids. It has been so fun watching him progress this year and I have no doubt that Steven will reach all of his goals.
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I got into CrossFit back in January 2023, all thanks to my buddy Nolan, who's been a CrossFit nut out in Montana for a while. Nolan got me into it because he was getting kinda worried about my health and overall sedentary lifestyle. He went so far as to offer to pay for a year's worth of membership if I promised to hit the gym three times a week for the year. While I didn’t accept his offer, I gotta say, he was onto something. Ever since I started going to CCF, it's been a game-changer in many ways. I'm sleeping better, I’m more focused/energized at work, I’m more patient with my kids, and I just feel better all around in my daily life.
Favorite Movement?
Anything airbike/rowing/running. I’m slowly starting to enjoy squats.
What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start CrossFit?
It can be intimidating to start something new, like CrossFit, but the community is very welcoming, and the coaches can scale the workouts to your abilities and fitness level. For me, starting with a small commitment, such as 2-3 times a week for a couple of months, was ideal and allowed me to ease into CrossFit. I'd recommend attending at least one weekend class per week if you're able, as they tend to be group workouts and even more social.
Favorite thing about CCF?
CCF is incredibly welcoming to folks from all skill levels. The coaches are top notch imo. They are knowledgeable, enthusiastic, fun and will appropriately scale workouts for any level. The camaraderie at classes amongst the athletes is also a major draw.
What do you do when you’re not at CCF (job, hobbies, other fitness, etc)?
When I'm not at CCF, my time is primarily divided between caring for my two boys, Samuel, who is 3 years old, and Bo, who is 1 year old or spending time with my wonderful wife, Hannah, who recently joined CrossFit. I work as an ER doctor in Detroit and exclusively work night shifts. In my free time I most enjoy going to breweries with friends/family or playing outside with my kids.
What is your next big fitness goal?
Toes to bar, double under and muscle ups are movements I’d like to be proficient in by July 2024. Starting in 2024, my goal is to safely complete the prescribed daily men's workout 50% of the time. Lastly, I've gradually started building a home gym and occasionally do mini CrossFit workouts with my 3-year-old, who's quickly becoming better at gymnastic movements than I am, bringing me great joy.