September 2020 Athlete of the Month
September 2020 Athlete of the Month
Alana Kainz
We are excited to congratulate Alana Kainz on being our August Athlete of the Month! Read on to learn a little bit more about Alana and give her some fist bumps this week (in person or virtually)!!
Coach’s Thoughts: Alana has been a beacon of light since she walked through the doors at CCF. She embodies CCF’s values, Humble | Hungry | Happy, by refilling the cleaning caddies (without expectations) for the coaches and by motivating others in the most difficult of workouts. We are so glad to have met Alana and to have her as a part of this community. She brings out the good in all and challenges the CCF coaches and members to be better. Congratulations Alana for being September Athlete of the Month at Core City Fitness! Keep on kicking ass and we can’t wait to see what the next year as in store for you!
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I got started in CrossFit because I knew my cousin Nick and friends of his were opening a CrossFit gym. I told him for a few weeks that I was going to try it (when outdoor classes were an option), but I bailed every time. I finally built the courage to give it try and the same day I tried it, I signed up. Best decision I have ever made. I have been doing CrossFit since August.
Favorite Movement?
My favorite movement..that’s hard to answer because I am so new, but I do really enjoy the lifting portion. I constantly doubt myself, my abilities and the weight I can lift until I actually do it. Once I have the weights in my hand, I’m ready to push myself to the max, even if I can’t do it, I know I tried and that’s an accomplishment in itself.
What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start CrossFit?
Just do it. Trust in yourself and your decision and do it. Every single day is challenging, but completing the work out is a victory. No matter how hard the work out is, it makes you want to come back for more. Like my cousin said, it’s time to drink the koolaid.
Favorite thing about CCF?
My favorite thing about CrossFit is the community and the support. Core City is just now getting up and running and the members are amazing. At times I have got self conscious about my speed or abilities then I look up and see and hear the support from the members and it’s a push to keep going
What do you do when you’re not at CCF (job, hobbies, other fitness, etc)?
When I am not as CrossFit, I still attend kickboxing classes 4-5 times a week, majority of the time I leave CCF and go there. I enjoy spending time with family and friends.
What is your next big fitness goal?
My next big fitness goal is to watch myself get stronger and better at CrossFit. I want to push myself to the max and do things I never thought I could do. I am already seeing mini victories (especially with running which you all know I hate). I committed to a year and I’m ready to take this year head on.