August 2023 Athlete of the Month
August 2023 Athlete of the Month
Everado Sanchez
Coaches’ Thoughts: If you haven’t met Ever, I strongly suggest you stop into the 6:30pm class, but only if you’re looking for a new friend. He’ll greet you with a smile and a fist bump, and then proceed to workout alongside you genuinely hoping that you do well. And he’ll probably pass you especially if there’s a machine or run involved (the long wingspan doesn’t hurt). Ever works hard in the gym, and you can usually find him and his better half, Carolina, doing every post-wod after party just trying to get a little bit better. He’s a long time CrossFitter, gets frustrated with double-unders like most of us, and a staple of our 6:30pm classes and community. Felicidades!
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I started doing Crossfit on a recommendation of a friend. He told me about a military type of training, “with just one hour of training a day for 5 days a week you will achieve the body of a magazine model, jacked and 6 pack...” After 10 years of doing Crossfit I'm still waiting LOL.
Favorite Movement?
Rowing, Snatch and Muscle Ups
What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start CrossFit?
Do not hesitate... Come and try it! Crossfit is much more than just coming to work out, it is a physical and mental challenge. All movements can be adjusted to your abilities and you always have the support of the coaches who will help improve your performance.
Favorite thing about CCF?
Da’ people... Crossfit is more than a gym, it's a community place where you can meet amazing people, make new and strong friendships and you can even meet your wife, like it happened to me.
What do you do when you’re not at CCF (job, hobbies, other fitness, etc)?
I spend time with my friends, I like going to concerts, I like antique shops and art galleries... In search of the perfect burger and last but not least IPA's.
What is your next big fitness goal?
That 6 pack that I have been waiting for years! Just kidding... my goal is to be able to stay healthy and in good condition for the next 10, 20 or 30 years and that my performance is not affected along the way and DOUBLE UNDERS!!!