August 2021 Athlete of the Month
August 2021 Athlete of the Month
Chelsea Appleby Fugate
Coach’s Thoughts: We love having Chelsea at CCF! If you’ve ever been in class with her you definitely know her because she always goes out of her way to say hello and make everyone feel welcome. It’s been so fun to watch Chelsea grow as an athlete these past few months and see her push herself outside of her comfort zone. She concentrates on making every lift look the exact same and puts so much focus into learning new skills. Can’t wait to see that bar muscle up (we know it’s coming!)
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I started CrossFit in 2015 in NYC with my husband Clint because we were intrigued by it and thought it looked very difficult (turns out it was). After we moved to Detroit, Clint continued CrossFit and I went to a local gym near our house. Once Core City Fitness opened, I decided I wanted to give it another try, so joined earlier this year.
Favorite Movement?
My current favorite move is any form of pull-up. I used to hate them, but it's been something I've been trying to work on.
What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start CrossFit?
I tell a lot of friends and coworkers they should try CrossFit. I feel a lot of people have misconceptions about it (you will get extremely bulky, you'll injure yourself, etc.). Truthfully, I feel it's a great way to see results pretty quickly. It's also a great way to meet people. I recommend anyone, especially those who come from a competitive sport background, try it.
Favorite thing about CCF?
My favorite thing about CCF is their willingness to open a business in an area that isn't exactly well known to non-Detroiters. It shows the owners are passionate about the city.
What do you do when you’re not at CCF (job, hobbies, other fitness, etc)?
I work in advertising for one of the big 3 automotive companies. When I'm not working, I like to hang out with my husband and our two French bulldogs. I'm into interior design as a hobby, and I love New York and London and hope to live in one of those cities again at some point. I also love to travel, but COVID has put a damper on that as of late.
What is your next big fitness goal?
My next big fitness goal is to do a bar muscle up. You have to dream big.