December 2021 Athlete of the Month
December 2021 Athlete of the Month
Joey Gross
Coach’s Thoughts: Joey has been a joy to coach since the day he first walked in the gym. He always comes in the door with a smile and a fist bump ready for everyone. He frequently looks to coaches for feedback and puts cues to work right away. Joey shows up early and stays late to put in extra work on the after party. We love watching Joey’s attention to detail with movements, his drive to improve every day he walks in and his willingness to try new things. His attitude and consistency truly embodies the CCF motto of Happy, Hungry and Humble.
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
My friend Lauren asked me if I wanted to go try this thing called the Phoenix. I have been doing CrossFit for little over a year inconsistently.
Favorite Movement?
It’s hard to just to pick one - strict pull-ups, clean and jerks, squat clean, push-ups and pretty much anything that does not involve cardio
What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start CrossFit?
Just do it!!!!
Favorite thing about CCF?
All the nice equipment. Coaches are great and the community is super supportive and motivates you all the time. Can't forget about all the sweet dogs running around.
What do you do when you’re not at CCF (job, hobbies, other fitness, etc)?
Eat Reese's cups.
What is your next big fitness goal?
Bar muscle ups, ring muscle ups, double unders, handstand walks, handstand push-ups, run a 5k and stay consistent.