January 2021 Athlete of the Month
January 2021 Athlete of the Month
Matt Taylor
Coach’s Thoughts: We are so glad that the changing Michigan weather forced Matt’s delicate southern constitution into our gym this past fall! He has been so consistent since he started and I swear he picks up a new skill every week. We love having Matt as part of our community and are so glad that he chose us to start his CrossFit journey!
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I started a bit on a whim to be honest. I was looking for something to improve my physical wellness as the winter months approached. I'd been a bit of a CrossFit lurker for a couple years and thought it looked like an engaging and productive workout methodology, but I didn't know a ton about it. In September, after hearing rumors of CCF opening in the neighborhood, I decided to finally get myself in the door and give it a shot. And I've loved every minute of it.
Favorite Movement?
This is a definite tie. Box Jumps and Power Snatches. Box Jumps because doing them feels incredibly cathartic. No idea why, but I find them very satisfying. Power Snatches because I'm terrible at them still, but when I occasionally bust out a reasonably successful one, it feels pretty incredible.
What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start CrossFit?
Just do it. Dive in. Be prepared to learn and be open to change. A lot of what kept me from starting was tackling the unknown. The age old gym fear "But what if I don't know how to do that?". And the magic of CrossFit--at least in my experience at CCF--is that there's always someone there to help you improve.
Favorite thing about CCF?
The community. Without a doubt. The coaches are constantly encouraging and helping me grow. The other members are cheering each other on and celebrating one another's successes. It's my favorite thing and my biggest surprise. I expected to find a place to workout. I had no idea I'd find a community.
What do you do when you’re not at CCF (job, hobbies, other fitness, etc)?
I'm a freelance lighting designer for live entertainment (theatre, dance, theme parks, cruise ships, etc) and assistant professor of lighting design at Wayne State University. I really love running, especially in the summer when it's oppressively hot and dripping with humidity. In pandemic times I've started to enjoy cooking--whether or not I'm any good at it is questionable. I spend a fair amount of time reading plays and consuming other forms of live entertainment under the guise that it's all research for my full time job. I'm a pretty hardcore college football fan--University of Florida Gators (with familial obligations to cheer for the University of Michigan Wolverines).
What is your next big fitness goal?
My macro goal right now is to be able to RX workouts regularly. Micro goals include working on building strength for strict pull ups and finally nailing the illusive double under.