March 2023 Athlete of the Month
March 2023 Athlete of the Month
LaFarra Hemphill
Coach’s Thoughts:
I first met LaFarra when we were both members at a different gym and was SO happy to see her walk through the doors of Core City late last year. She is constantly striving to be a better athlete every time she’s in the gym. LaFarra has a busy professional and personal life which could result in multiple missed workouts but for her (and in her words!) “you gotta get it in when you can''. This sometimes means killing a 5:30PM workout and coming back the next morning at 6:30AM to crush the next. Congratulations, LaFarra! We’re so thankful to have you at CCF!
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I started CrossFit in November 2019. Before I started CrossFit, I was going to a regular gym, I wanted to feel challenged, I wanted more out of a workout. I was expressing my frustrations with a friend, they said "hey have you heard of CrossFit" and that's how it started.
Favorite Movement?
Power Cleans and anything with a barbell lol
What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start CrossFit?
Just try it once and you will want more. Everything can be scaled to your level, everyone has a starting place and it's exciting to see your progress overtime.
Favorite thing about CCF?
CCF makes sure everyone is included, no one is left out. CCF has a very strong community presence. Lastly, the coaches make sure I am challenged, push me to go beyond my comfort level, so I can achieve my goal. I do not feel left out.
What do you do when you’re not at CCF (job, hobbies, other fitness, etc)?
I am a LMSW, Clinical Social Worker. I supervise a staff of clinicians during the day. Evenings, I provide telehealth therapy, in a private practice setting. I love sports; I am a season ticket holder for Lions and Red Wings. I love any art/craft events. I am heavily involved with my religious group, too.
What is your next big fitness goal?
I am getting close…. PULL UPS. My goal is by April to get one Kipping PULL UP.