March 2021 Athlete of the Month
March 2021 Athlete of the Month
Kit Sabo
Coach’s Thoughts: We’ve known Kit before we were even dreaming of opening CCF. He is a great athlete, super coachable and a really important part of this team which is why we were SO excited when he showed up this summer asking about the gym. Kit’s usual workout time (6:30AM) tends to be one of our lowest attended classes. But he shows up everyday and works so hard, usually by himself, which is no small task. Congratulations Kit and thanks for being a part of our community.
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
I think I heard someone mention it on a podcast. The only exercise I was doing at the time was the occasional pick-up basketball/softball game and bike riding through mid-town/downtown. I started in the Fall of 2015.
Favorite Movement?
I have a love/hate relationship with the snatch. It can be quite technical and frustrating to get a good rep, but when you do get it overhead, that feeling of letting the bar drop to the ground is really satisfying.
What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start CrossFit?
It is intimidating! I threw up on my first day! You’ll hear all these weird terms & phrases, get critiqued on your movements and where to put your hands on the barbell, BUT that’s okay! Everyone was in the same position as you, and it’ll get easier with patience and practice. When it comes to Crossfit, I truly think you get out of it what you put in.
Favorite thing about CCF?
Speaking of being intimidated, CCF has some tremendous athletes (both coaches & members). When you watch them, you might think that you don’t belong. Well, they are not only great athletes, but even better people. It doesn’t matter what your skill level is, they will offer judgement-free support & tips. The word community gets thrown out a lot, but it is like a team. You are all there “suffering” together, so you’re not alone, which can help motivate you to be your best.
What do you do when you’re not at CCF (job, hobbies, other fitness, etc)?
I’m currently working towards obtaining my second bachelor’s degree at Wayne State (first degree was BA in History, current is BS in Electrical Engineering). Homework takes up most of my free time, but I do enjoy the typical activities of binging TV shows, listening to music and sleeping! I also played “all the sports” growing up, but hockey was my favorite, so I’m a big NHL and Red Wings fan. I’m not really that shy!
What is your next big fitness goal?
Hmmm……probably a ring muscle up.....and if age permits, why not a backflip?!?!