December 2024 Athlete of the Month

December 2024 Athlete of the Month

Morgan Meis

Coach’s Thoughts: Morgan’s clothes are bright but his outlook on life is even brighter! He is the poster child for one of our goals of helping people kick ass as they age. Despite having every reason to not show up (massive heart attack, several nagging injuries) he’s still here outworking most of us and with a smile. We love having you at CCF! Cheers to thriving and not just surviving! 

  1. How long have you been doing CrossFit?

    Well, see, the thing is I had a massive heart attack last October. This was considered not good by most of my doctors. I mean, not to brag or anything, but it was a super-huge heart attack. Some say legendary. The jokers in the cardiology community call the type of heart attack I had a widowmaker. Anyway, it is probably in poor taste to go on and on about one’s heart attack, so I’ll just say it was a doozy. Did I mention that about 12 percent of people survive a widowmaker? Legendary. Where was I? Oh yeah, once I got out of cardiac rehab my cardiologist said two things 1) you’re only allowed to eat grass and a few crunchy grains from now on and 2) get your ass to some regular exercise. I came back the next week (which was last February) and told her I’m going to do Crossfit. “Are you frickin’ nuts?” she asked me. “Yes,” I answered.

  2. Favorite Movement?

    I like doing toes-to-bar and kipping pull ups because for some reason I can do them reasonably well for an old man and sometimes I can do more than Sangeeta, which pleases me and makes her angry. Also, Helen always praises me when I do toes-to-bar and I like it when Helen is proud of me. 

  3. What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start CrossFit?

    I’m going to be honest here. I’m not a person who very often actually enjoys exercising. I see crazy people like Lisa working out in the gym and she has a look on her face that evokes, I don’t know, Bernini’s amazing Baroque statue The Ecstasy of Saint Teresa. She seems to be genuinely enjoying it, is what I’m saying here. Me, not so much. It is work and the benefits come mostly after-the-fact and in improved health and well-being, which is definitely not nothing and for which I’m truly grateful, but I’ve got to be disciplined with myself in order to make exercise happen. And yet, the thing about CrossFit is that with the challenge of it, the constant variation, the learning of new skills, the supportive community and the pretty unique and wonderful group of coaches we have at the Core City gym, I actually look forward to exercising. First time in my life that has happened. A person would, in my opinion, be an absolute fool not to take advantage of such a situation.    

  4. Favorite thing about CCF?

    I have a frayed tendon in my right knee and another troublesome tendon in my left wrist. I am fifty-two years old. I had what many call the most epic heart attack in the history of the world. The coaches I’m with most often, Adam, Helen and Lisa, are well aware of all my limitations and take very good care of me. Adam calls me a complete dumb-ass for trying to do something I’m not supposed to be doing weekly… daily. His scolding and occasional beatings (kidding!) are appreciated and have a loving undercurrent, but don’t tell him I know that. And yet, the coaches also push me to keep getting stronger and to keep getting healthier. And this is happening. My doctors are actually in awe, which is pretty cool. I probably do not express often enough how meaningful this is to me and to the select group of weirdos who love and care about me. I can probably honestly say that CrossFit is saving my life. Dang, here I am getting a little choked up. Who gets choked up over CrossFit? Pathetic. 

    Also, I should mention that I am an honorary member of the Spice Girls, an exclusive circle of folk who generally do the noon class. It is definitely one of my favorite things that I am a CrossFit Spice Girl.

  5. What do you do when you’re not at CCF (job, hobbies, other fitness, etc)?

    I am a writer, so often I am to be found writing. I write books and articles about culture, art and philosophy, mostly. I have a PhD in philosophy. I teach art history and philosophy of art at CCS, the art and design college here in Detroit. Wait, what’s that noise? Oh, that’s the sound of you snoring? Okay fine, here’s a more interesting thing. My wife Shuffy and I have created a project called The Huckleberry Explorers Club General Store, Museum, and Gardens. We’re just a few blocks from the gym, actually, at 2660 Buchanan on the corner of Humboldt. The Huckleberry Club is a little difficult to describe with words so you should just swing on by and check it out in person. You can find the open hours by looking it up on google maps.  

  6. What is your next big fitness goal?

    My most exciting fitness goal is to achieve a muscle up within the next twenty to thirty years. Let’s say by my eightieth birthday. That would be pretty cool. Also, a continuing fitness goal is not dying. So far, I’m achieving that daily. Yay me.


January 2025 Athlete of the Month


November 2024 Athlete of the Month