September 2022 Athlete of the Month
September 2022 Athlete of the Month
Faye Salman
Coach’s Thoughts: No matter what class Faye attends, she always walks in with a smile on her face. She has a great attitude and mentality that is contagious within the CCF community. Faye always seeks out feedback from the coaches and strives to be better everyday. Congrats Faye on being the September Athlete of the Month and various other personal achievements!
How long have you been doing CrossFit?
When I was living in Orlando a family friend talked me into doing CrossFit and I’ve been doing it ever since. I’m running on my 4th year!
Favorite Movement?
I like any full body workouts. I’m that psychopath that loves burpees, another favorite of mine are power cleans.
What advice would you give to someone who is hesitant to start CrossFit?
I always tell people to at least give it a try and see how you like it. First step to anything is getting your foot through that door. My famous line is “one workout won’t hurt you”
Favorite thing about CCF?
This is a hard one. I love the connection each and every one of us has here to one another. Even though classes are different times of the day, I feel like we all stay connected in a way. Can be online, the app, competitions, gatherings we all know one another as a team.
What do you do when you’re not at CCF (job, hobbies, other fitness, etc)?
Moving into a new home soon, so currently I’ve been into organizing and deep cleaning corners. I love the satisfaction I get in the end.
What is your next big fitness goal?
Working on my handstand holds, maybe I can get a few steps in the near future.