
September 2021 Athlete of the Month
Our September 2021 Athlete of the Month is Lisa Seymour

August 2021 Athlete of the Month
Our August 2021 Athlete of the Month is Chelsea Appleby Fugate

December 2020 Athlete of the Month
Our December 2020 Athlete of the Month is Kaitlyn Mardeusz

November 2020 Athlete of the Month
Our November 2020 Athlete of the Month is Denis Lincoln

Core City Fitness: Home of Core City CrossFit!
As of October 14, 2020, Core City Fitness is the official home of Core City CrossFit

It’s Official. We’re Opening on September 14th!!!
It’s Official. With the recent Executive Order, we’re opening on September 14th!

Week 6 Update
It’s actually starting to look like a gym in here! See some updated pictures attached! As a reminder, if you are interested in becoming a member at Core City Fitness you can see our rates and sign up here. You will be billed a small sign up fee ($1.00) and then not again until August 1st (assuming gyms are open and operating then). Any classes / open gym that we host in July will be free. There are still a few founding member shirts to claim!

Week 5 Update
Week 5 and we’re ready for sign ups! If you are interested in becoming a member at Core City Fitness you can see our rates and sign up here. You will not be billed until August 1st (assuming gyms are open and operating then). Any classes that we host in July will be free. The first 30 members to sign up will receive a special Founding Member t shirt or tank!